INSIDE by playdead
Updated: 11 Jun at 9:26 pm
sold by greenmangaming
OP: calabiyau
posted 2 years ago
edited by melina
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Now you can get INSIDE PC for only $7 @ GreenManGaming. This game is above all else is designed to give you something to think about.

INSIDE is the next game from developers of LIMBO which was really great and it managed to keep track of the glamorous path of its predecessor! INSIDE, despite of its short duration, has a great variety and will surprisingly pin you on your sit from the beginning to the very end of the game. the superiority of the silent theme is ruling over at most game moments, but there are some times you can see the breakthrough of this rhythm and some chases which have created well-balanced content in the game. The developers know extraordinarily exactly what situations are needed to make a change, which is undoubtedly one of the key strengths of the game. In fact, they do not use of anything more than its needed to. Perhaps for this reason, the best game's puzzles are so lovely, because you encounter them only once through the game and that's why they never lose their magic. this is a masterpiece and such thing needs to create memorable moments that can not be repeated, and this is exactly what INSIDE does.

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